Today, with so many options available, a digital chest can be a special place to store your most important memories and documents. In 2024, there are a variety of file formats to suit whatever you need, whether for personal or business purposes.

Although photos or videos are the most common, there is a world of possibilities waiting to be explored. Here we share with you some ideas on what you can save in your digital chest:


When you think of documents, probably the first thing that comes to mind is a Word file. But there is much more: you can save files in formats such as TXT (plain text), PDF (perfect for documents that you don't want to be modified) or Excel (for your spreadsheets).

Each of these formats seek to suit our requirements, allowing you to save texts such as letters, memoirs, dedications, bank documents, accounts and passwords in social networks; certificates (birth, marriage), family recipes, information from your family tree, instructions for your company and even access to cryptocurrency accounts or other financial systems.


Images are a wonderful way to capture moments. You can store photos in formats such as JPG or JPEG, as well as PNG and GIF (for those animated images we love so much).

Save treasured photos with your family, travels, special events such as birthdays or marriages, photos of important documents, photos of everyday moments or family art.


Audio recordings can be very meaningful. Hearing a loved one's voice again can have a valuable impact on the listener. A goodbye message, an “I love you”, a “goodnight”, your favorite song, your most used phrases, something that reminds you of them or a motto you would like to be remembered with.


El formato más utilizado para estos archivos es el MP4 o el .MOV, y de primeras, puedes guardar recuerdos similares a tus fotografías, como celebraciones, eventos especiales, viajes y aventuras, tradiciones familiares, etc.

However, the video format allows us to express specific messages, created for particular situations. Leave a message for someone's birthday in the future, create a message for the marriage of one of your children or grandchildren, or leave a message for their graduation; record a message with your best life memories or make a compilation of your favorite memories.

Last but not least, create a farewell message. Tell them how you feel, talk about your reflections and advice. How those around you positively impacted your life, how proud you are of them, how much you love them or whatever it takes to express to them what you feel and think.

These are just a few ideas of what you can keep in your digital treasure chest. The key is to use it as a space where you can store your most precious memories and share meaningful messages with those you love. If you have questions about other formats, you can contact us to help you solve them or you can start creating your boxes and test them to check the compatibility of those formats.

Crea de forma gratuita tu primer cofre digital

  • Planifica todo para el día de tu despedida
  • Guarda documentos, fotos, vídeos y más
  • Programa el envío en la fecha que desees
  • Crea un plan personalizado a tu medida
  • Explora nuestros servicios especiales
  • Descubre nuestros planes de pago