In the 21st century, technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, and digital messaging services are no exception. Every day, these platforms are updated and improved, providing users with a huge variety of tools and functionalities that facilitate communication in an increasingly interconnected world.

Digital messaging services offer unique features that distinguish them from traditional physical communication methods.

What are some of our features?

Security and storage:

Your digital messages will not deteriorate or get damaged. A paper letter or photo can be damaged over time, or worse, lost. We want to ensure that your messages are received by your loved ones and we believe that this is the way to do it.

For your care, we have implemented different privacy, security and storage systems. Your messages are safe with us.


Imagine you have a photo album, videos on your phone and an envelope with physical letters you want to send. Wouldn't it be easier to have it all together? All in one folder on one platform: WILSEND.


Create your folders with the names you prefer, add the content you want, in any order. You choose how to create it and how to organize it. We take care of sharing it.


No matter where in the world your recipient is, thanks to digital tools, they will be able to receive your messages from the other side of the Earth if necessary.

Because of this and other features, we believe that our platform is the right one to transmit your memories and your legacy. What are you waiting for? 

Crea de forma gratuita tu primer cofre digital

  • Planifica todo para el día de tu despedida
  • Guarda documentos, fotos, vídeos y más
  • Programa el envío en la fecha que desees
  • Crea un plan personalizado a tu medida
  • Explora nuestros servicios especiales
  • Descubre nuestros planes de pago