En el mundo de hoy, la línea entre lo físico y lo digital es cada vez más difícil de demarcar. Lo que hace unos años sólo podría hacerse físicamente, hoy se puede en una gran mayoría, realizar a través de una simple llamada telefónica, un correo electrónico o en...
Messages from the soul
With WILSEND you can send messages, videos and documents to your loved ones
Leave everything arranged for your farewell.
Because there are many ways to say what I feel
«In a new opportunity on life, I wouldn't let a day go by without saying “I love you” and “thank you” to those who fill my world with light.
To leave a message is to open the door to peace and the reassurance of having said it all.«
Tell them your feelings, your gratitude, your advices, your experiences, everything you wish to communicate to your loved ones.
Share images of the happiest moments of your life with your loved ones.
Prepare a message with your voice and your image, to tell them what is really important.
Documentation to help them organize the moment. Make sure everything is taken care of, to make it easier for them.
The peace of mind of leaving everything arranged
Tell them how important they are to you.
With a letter, a dedicated photo or a video, you can pass on your advice and life experiences to those you love the most.
Trust our service and pass on your legacy.
How to pass on your legacy?
I leave you a chest where I keep the most valuable thing I have, my feelings, my legacy.
Open it and I will live on in your memories.
Create your chest
Save here everything you want
Indicate who you send it to
Add a recipient
Add everything you want in your CHEST
Messages, Documents, Images, Videos.
Indicate WHEN you want them to receive it
The day of your goodbye or a date in the future when you want to be present and pass on your affection, such as your grandchild's 18th birthday or your daughter's wedding.
Why use WILSEND?
'It starts because, there are many ways to say goodbye with peace of mind'
Organize the day of my farewell
I have already prepared everything thinking of them, how I want that day to be for my family and friends to remember me.
I leave everything arranged
To my loved ones I leave all the important documents, what they need to know for their peace of mind.
I want to be present at their important moments
I have already prepared everything thinking of them, how I want that day to be for my family and friends to remember me.
My pet's happiness
Because my pet is very important to me, I want them to know how to take care of it and love it.
Choose your Plan
Leave everything arranged, for you and your family's peace of mind.
Our basic plan
79€ Single payment
Then 29€ per year
Up to 500Mb per CHEST
The best-selling plan
129€ Single payment
Then 29€ per year
Up to 1GB per CHEST
The most complete plan
169 € Single payment
Then 29€ per year
Up to 1GB per CHEST
Special Services
Organize your day in life
We help you to take care of everything, for your peace of mind and of your loved ones.
Business Plan
Think about the transition of the family business. We help you get it done.
Digital Footprint Removal
We erase the digital footprint of social networks, websites, videos, photos and all those contents that are on the internet, when these memories are private.
They talk about us
“At first I found it hard to think about this service but since I decided to leave everything tied up I live more calmly than before”
«Deciding to use this service was a moment of deep reflection for me. At first, I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with the idea, but understanding that I could leave messages full of love, advice and words of encouragement for my children and wife on important dates completely changed my perspective. «
In life you don't know when you will have to say goodbye so I preferred to leave everything prepared in case one day I have to do it.
«Now, I live each day with more calm and less worries, knowing that, somehow, I will still be present in the special moments of my family and friends. This service has offered me a unique way to leave a legacy of love and wisdom that will last through time.«
Find out more
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Enter and create your first CHEST
Try our service for FREE, what are you waiting for?
Messages from the soul
Leave everything arranged for your farewell
About us
Special Services
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